[h3]Mirazan[/h3] She was still debating on the words Octl spoke. They sounded truthful either way something sounding like true didnt made it true. She was still careful looking at the cat. It was a weird feeling. The large smile on its face appeared more like a mask than anything else. The feeling she had when looking at it was a soft trail of knowledge that it was neither dragon nor cat. She made a note to remember that feeling for future, the young grand grand mother had a feeling this two will be not the last demons she will have to deal with. She listened carefully to the words waiting for Lynxs to finish what it had intended to say. ''Lynxs. I dont want any destruction or harm. None intentional and none unintentional alike. And you are free to stay as a cat, it is earier to hold you like that. '' She turned her gaze back to Octl. '' To earn my trust time has to pass. I dont give it to nice words or pretty eyes.'' It looked like she was distracted by something, that something was a mouse.Not any mouse but a dead mouse. It run up to Mirazan and climbed up her dress to the girls ear. Then falling over dead on the earth. Mirazan rubbed the bridge of her nose. ''Well hm......You want my trust? Bear in mind you arent my guest but Nexias, you are on his will not my, so you are free not to do my request. But... how about to show me your are trustworthy and peaceful by calm down one of your own kind?'' The night will be another long one. Looking up to the sky she watched in silence as the clouds appeared and it started raining. There was no lighting yet, only heavy rain, drenching her hair and cloths. ''A demon, apparently was on his way here.... And if the rain means anything ToRaNe went to stop him. Well thats me assuming. But wouldnt be nice if you two tell that demon to behave so when Nexias let you both go, you all 3 can go on your own paths?'' She smiled at both of them, not minding in the slightest that she was drenched by the rain.