[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1uUIJPD0Nk[/url] [h1]You're the Newbie of Lamia Scale- Sage Ruzuzaki[/h1] [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/e5e312ed62aa2934e002739c5324d44f/tumblr_n62j4qdX221sq4owno3_250.gif[/img] 'Yuuka Takenaka, Hana Oshiro and Niti Laevis' Sage pondered as he stared into the outside world as the train rolled on 'Master sure made use of us, i guessing that he wanted the best of the best on this mission.' He looked over to this 'teammate' before returning the gaze the to window. 'My Honest Opinion: Hana is more than enough to settle whatever matter Master has sent us.' he fiddled with his hair "it's a waste of everyones time.' Sage closed his eyes for a brief second before he looked at his bag, unzipping it he pulled out a much larger display book and opened it to a blank page. [b]Ah...finally doing something to pass the time eh? It's better than looking aimlessly outside[/b] 'Baku-sensei...' sage vision blackened. before finding himself in a familar location: [img]http://s9.favim.com/orig/130730/abandoned-ancient-foggy-forest-Favim.com-812899.jpg[/img] (Please play this OST: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV96bynwWto#start=0:00;end=4:27;cycles=-1;autoreplay=false[/url]) 'It's been awhile since you invited me back here: the place where you and i first met' Sage hand threaded the red fog as the stared at the ruin church, a Red/Black figure slowly rose higher and higher. [hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/a6vG1UVh.png[/img][/hider] [b]It's been too long since we have train Sage.[/b] the Black beast growled [b]"Have you started to neglect your training?"[/b] 'Don't get the wrong idea Sensei: training WAS happening tonight, but fate had other plans for me: for us' Sage commented 'but the real question is Why bring my back to the darkness corner of my mind: where you roam? [b]".... Nothing special really"[/b] Bakuko grunted as he twisted himself around his host's body. [b]"This mission...Is nothing more than a Hunting game right?"[/b] 'heh, more like a overkill if you ask me.' Sage glowered 'Hana is the strongest is Lamia, beside Jura-dono. It's like sending Acnologia to kill Toby!' [b]"Strongest you say?"[/b] Quizzed the Black beast [b]"Since when did you roll over to a Female?"[/b] 'Never did, she's earned my respect: A worthy Mage: A damn proud one at that.' [b]"Hmmm, it seems your not all talk, there is a bit of wisdom and experience in you Kid."[/b] 'Who do you think taught me that? My parents?' [b]'heh, a quick tongue you are.'[/b] chuckled the beast [b]"but your are my Worthy Student nonetheless."[/b] 'I've learned everything you know: Pick your fights and know when to back off' [b]"Then? Will you take part in this joint Mission with you Fellow Guildmates?"[/b] "Of course, I won't against Master's order." [b]"I see."[/b] the Monster closed his red eye before shrinking away from the Mage [b]"Sage Ruzuzaki: Do you remember the Oath you swore to me?"[/b] 'Of course: When that time come: I'll see to it 'that' is done, so i can obtain more power' Sage nodded Before walking away. [b]"Good, I have my oath to keep to you as well: But i wonder: Who will back out: Me or you?"[/b] 'can assure you Sensei: I will complete the deal' Sage nodded before walking into the thick red fog, followed by the Black beast's laugh. [b]'Sage Ruzuzaki: you are something~'[/b] ------------------- Sage woke up slowly, but realised: 'It's night time....' he slowly closed his eye once more and let the darkness of the night take him.