[h1][t = -9h34m][/h1] Martin hurried trough the building, subtly avoiding eye contact. If he felt uncomfortable in the SOLDIER uniform he didn't show it. Not that anyone paid him much attention as he strolled the hallways. Being observed without being noticed is not a skill many people have willingly, and like being a skilled liar it´s not something one can boast about. Luckily Martin wasn't one to boast. He slammed his card on the counter and forcibly started firing off commands at the secretary. "I need a printout of all divisions currently stationed here, including the reports on your special units at clearance level 6. I'll be back in 10." Before the poor girl could answer he was gone, off to supplies, where he repeated his fast talk. Using bravura and a casual directness he started ordering enough gear to supply a medium scale mission. Including a full anti-vampire arsenal, hazmat suits and an armored truck. "Load it all in the truck and pull it behind the western barracks." [h1][t = -9h03m][/h1] After quickly picking up a doughnut in the canteen area Martin swung by the reception to pick up his printouts. Studying these he strolled the reports on vampires stationed here. Without looking up from his files he gestured to a sergeant to collect his men and load up the truck using his doughnut hand. Awkwardly he fished the smartphone from his pocket and dialed a number from his files. "Is this Rhyss Blackblade? I have an assignment for you, capture and contain, where can I pick you up?"