[quote=@Destinyfailhorror17] what winter? When did I say something about that? you see here summer starts at march. [/quote] [quote=@Destinyfailhorror17] ...I live in the Philippines things are different here XD [/quote] [quote=@Rusalka] Awww! ^.^ I love you too baby! *snuggles with you and kisses your lips softly* <333333333 And sweetheart, I think it's like while it's winter over here, it's summer where Desy is......I think. O.o [/quote] *yawns and snuggles into you arms, kissing you back as I look at Desy in shock* [img]http://www.netokracija.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/What-kind-of-sorcery-is-this.jpg[/img]