"Tricky's trap. She near." The voice came from almost directly above Isabel, and a glance upwards would reveal a short figure, her clothing similar in colour to the forest around her. More notable at the moment was the fact that she was hanging upside down from a tree branch, seemingly completely at ease dangling with her knees hooked over the thin sprig of wood. With a slight swinging motion, she released her hold and began to fall, the branch springing back upwards without her weight. It looked like she was going to land heavily off balance, but as she hit the ground she crumpled into an inelegant but seemingly quite effective roll, if the way that she quickly sprung to her feet after the nearly fifteen foot drop was any indication. She didn't stand straight, instead her posture was more hunched, her center of gravity closer to the ground. Curious eyes peered up at Isabel, the Halfling's head tilted slightly. "You, Smarty out learning, yesyes? Here-" she gestured to the surrounding area, "safe most like. Tricky put traps around, scare ruin people." She peered closer, squinting slightly before creeping forward a bit, moving almost as though she was ready to drop to all fours. "You... IS Smarty, yes? Supposed to meet a Smarty here."