[@oakman][@nerminator][@KiraChan][@Horrid][@Earnest Evans] Like stood and stared, eyes shining and focused on the glass she held in both hands. Like had an idea. An idea Like really, [b]really[/b] liked. So absorbed in her own world she was, she had stopped paying any attention to her surroundings and thus her own appearance. As she carefully walked back to the bar, step by step, multiple slender arms unfolded around her. Each wrapped in white cloth giving off dust with every movement. Without looking one of the arms plucked the physics defying beer from the air and handed it to Alcaeus. Her long black tail wriggled excitedly as she gently pushed Djedkare, Anya and the queen aside so she could stand before Snazzy. Hollow eyes stared deep into hollow eyes as Like put the glass of crimson metal liquid on the counter. Five fanged mouthes spread their red lips and spoke in eldritch tone. [h3]"Snazzy Reaper! Collector of souls! Tender of bars! I, the prince of the Lake challenge you!"[/h3] "I dare you to prepare a drink superior to any this world has seen! Of course as is custom I'll grant you a special ingredient to use in this challenge." Like tapped with 3 fingers from separate hands on the rim of the glass. "Faithfull optimism. Fresh Angel Blood."