Like carefully picked up the glass, the universe slightly trembling around her as the liquid shook in the glass. Eyeing the glass, Like inspected the mixture. The mixture seemed to resist this inspection, choosing to be colors one could not comprehend. A sort of mint-yellowish magenta turquoise. But more like none of those colors, since I just mentioned those. Excitedly and playfully Like put the drink to her mouth, took a very small sip, then downed it. For a moment all was silent, as everyone held their breath waiting on a reaction. Something. Then a bright beam of technicolor light sprang from eyes mouth and other less mentioned orifices. Accompanied by Russian waltz music and green flames the image of Like folded into the 5th spacial dimension and with another bright flash and a sound best described as a thousand explosions played in reverse at high speed, suddenly Like was gone. After that there was nothing but a poof of grey smoke and a small hand mirror that fell to the ground in a meek thud and crash. After a few seconds of nothing a child's voice whispered from between the cracks of broken glass. "Hmmmm, bright aroma, sweet and dry showing and a killer after-burn..." [h3]"This... I li-.. no. This I [b]love![/b]"[/h3] "You truly deserve the title of Tender of Bars. And for meeting my challenge you deserve a gift worthy of such a feat." ... "Just give me a second..."