I FINALLY REMEMBERED TO BRING IT BACK Appreance: [img]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/46363300/large.jpg[/img] Name: Dexter Cyrso Nickname: Dex Age: 17 Gender: Male Powers: He can control electricity, as in the one he shoots out of his hands, he can't summon it from the clouds. He can also fly real fast but he can't fly too high or too fast or else he'll faint. Weakness: WAAAAAATER Skills: Hacking, talking a lot. Hobbies: Hack, tell people his life story, watch movies and quote them day after day. Personality: Dexter is a very unique person. Many think he's either insane, an asshole or just likes to hear his own voice. When in fact he honestly just likes to talk. He gets over excited and hyper quite easily, always buzzing with electricity whenever he gets happy or excited. He really just likes his friends, if he can achieve any and when he does he tells them everything he knows, if they let him. Background: Dexter is very confused about his origin.....of sorts. The first thing he knows is that there was a thunder storm one night and after it had subsided, he was on the doorstep of an orphanage. Dexter loved this orphanage, it was his home even though the people there kinda wanted to rip him apart since he liked to do everything he could to keep the social workers happy. By the time he was 10, Dexter was at school, enjoying himself and soon became a massive movie buff,as he had been introduced to them by his drama teacher. Although...Dexter always knew there was something different between him and his peers, but never sure what that exact difference was. But 6 years later, the thunderstorm struck again. He was just leaving the cinema after seeing a new movie, bobbing his head to his song on his iPod when he was hit by a sudden bolt of lightning. This was when he discovered his powers. Lightning started shooting out his hands as the storm subsided and he found himself on top of a building, giggling madly, knowing his next course of action. At first he tried being a vigilante, which brought around his gas mask that he's now attached to, but soon he heard of this new school thing. So he enrolled, hoping to find some pure, amazing destruction. Optionals: Likes: Metal, movies, anime and most people Dislikes: Not much...except demons Theme song: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2AC41dglnM[/url] Clubs: Do movies count? Dreams: Being the best, around. 9:00 - 9:55 AM: English Stuff -10:00 - 10:55 AM: Math stuff -11:00 - 11:55 AM: Movie theory -11:55 AM- 12:35 PM: Lunch -12:35 - 1:25 PM: Chemistry Stuff -1:30 - 2:30 PM: Phys Ed -2:30 - 3:30 PM: Free -3:30 - 4:30 PM: Philosophy Then Movie club!