[center][img]http://jurassicparktopic2.wikispaces.com/space/showlogo/1334752546/logo.jpg[/img] ((Image from Acclaim’s game Turok))[/center] The age of the dinosaurs came and went and over time became forgotten until the remains of the first dinosaur were found. This led many more to discovering even more fossils in various shapes, sizes and conditions. The age of research of these fine creatures soon stated to slow down and with that interest on the matter stay with only a few people from around the world. On September 19th 2008 a scientist named by the name of Erik James Hudson had created and resurrected his first dinosaurs. It was one of the more gentle beasts that only ate vegetables and plants. This then lead to him trying this again and again until several more dinosaurs came to be in this modern time. But each time he did the gamma rays would affect his mind causing him to slowly go mad and before he could tell the world things had gone out of control. Now the meat eaters were back and with that the facility fell and the dinosaurs escaped. The difference now is they are hybrids; they are smarter, faster, stronger and more dangerous than ever. They can understand human speech and interactions and can themselves speak in broken English, some of them can anyway. The idea is to contain and control these dinosaurs instead of wiping them out as they are seen as valuable assets. The dinosaurs have integrated with wildlife and human life. It will be a HunterxHunter, SoliderxSolider, Hunter/Soldierx Researcher, Hunter/SoldierxAnimal Rights Activist or Dinosaur/Hunter/SoldierxWild Child. Each pairing changes the story line a little such as the animal rights activist will try and free the dinosaurs and make them expand while making sure none are killed. Is it a mistake to left them expanding? Yes? No? Oh some have mutated as well, so yeah.