Name: Lilith Age: Looks 14, but actually lost count sometime during the Roman Empire Appearance: Lilith stands at five foot nothing, with bright pink hair and green eyes. She has curled horns, three-foot bat wings coming out of her shoulder, and a long black tail that ends in a heart-shaped tip. Gender: Female Powers: Lilith is capable of possessing mortals, but not other supernaturals. She can enter into contracts with other beings, giving them their deepest wishes in exchange for their souls. She can also read minds and summon hellfire. Weaknesses: Any holy item will repel her, not just those connected to Christianity. However, it has to be held by a believer. In short: Cross held by atheist has no effect, Star of David held by practicing Jew leaves her reeling. Personality: Surprisingly sweet given her upbringing, Lilith is the furthest thing from a tomboy imaginable. She loves going out shopping for new outfits, reading science books, and training her pet fiend Aziel. She has a habit of pulling pranks, but never anything malicious. Bio: Lilith's life is defined by her daddy issues. Specifically, the fact that her daddy is Satan. Yes, him. Being princess of Hell does have its perks, and Lilith grew up living the good life. Whatever food and drink she wanted, everybody showing her the utmost respect, a legion of torturers to flay any soul that disobeyed her. You know, the usual. However, she wanted to be recognized as her own person, and Orean provided that opportunity. Other: has a habit of covering her mouth with her wings when she laughs.