[quote=@HeySeuss] Which is, in two words, fucked up. But I've been saying for a while that mental illness should be treated separately from the prison system even if a mentally ill person committed a crime. But we have for profit prisons that kick back to judges and cops alike, so I suppose I'm overruled by those in authoritah. [/quote] Not going to say that everyone that has mental illness should never go to prison. My point is, just because we have more of the use of medication we need to close down long term state hospitals. We just transferred the mentality ill from state hospitals into the state and federal prisons. It is not really the error of the counts, it is in the error of religion. Think of yourself as a fundamental Christian, and you also do not believe in evolution, and you believe in Gad made Adam and Eve. If you do believe that way, then you cannot believe that any type of mental illness can be pass down from parent to offspring in their DNA. So, mental illness is a choice. If you want a same sex lifestyle, that is a choice. Reason being, if you do not believe in evolutionary biology, then Adam before Eve had all the biological problems of mankind. And if God created man in his own image, and that image of man was Adam. Then God shares all the forums of negative evolutionary biology within himself. Therefore, God is bisexual, heterosexual and homosexual within himself. And that is something that Christians will not accept if you use their logic from above. If there is evolutionary biology, then over time different genic diversity happens over repeated generations. If that is a fact, then it questions everyone having original sin, as diversity in the genic pool of our DNA could have altered some still having original sin and others without. Since original sin is a matter of faith then a genic question, it is something that cannot be found in hard science. And Christianity without original sin being universal, is a religion that will collapse within generations. If you can say homosexual lifestyle, is part of the persons DNA: then you have to also question original sin still being universal.