[color=00FFFF]Janet looked back not seeing the truck. "Shit we need to go back for them." Janet got out of the car in a rush the rifle ready to go if needed. She ran a head finding that the truck had stopped not far from them. It seemed like everything was fine so she looked back for Rick who was surely following her. "What happened? Is something wrong?" She asked Michonne when she was getting out of the car but Michonne just looked at her and ran off into the trees he sword drawn. "Shit. Lara, what's going on?"[/color] [color=2F4F4F]Michonne hide behind the trees as she got closed to Andrea trying to listen to what was going on. It seemed as if Merle was helping Andrea with something, but she still couldn't be sure of that.[/color] [color=DEB887]Milton was confused for a moment. "Wait, you want to help the girl escape? Umm I have a feeling I'm lost here. Wait, who did her grab? He didn't grab Machonne did he?" Milton knew at that moment hell was going to rain down on Woodberry. "Does he know how risky that is? The Prison.. they'll be here.. my god."[/color] [color=9966CC]Sam was able to get herself up and get a good enough footing to wear she could run away from Martinez. She held her hand over her injured arm trying to stop the bleeding but she could still feel blood flowing. "Shit, umm where to go. I better hurry dammit." She looked around panicked trying to find a way out. God, it was stupid for her to leave her only weapon behind. Stupid stupid stupid![/color] [color=DC143C]The Governor followed the blood and found Martinez trying to get up. "What the hell are you doing? Get your ass up and go after her!" He was fuming at that point not only did she get free but someone had to of given her a weapon.. and there's only one person that came to mind... Merle. "God dammit." He pulled Martinez up with force as they both started running after her.[/color]