[i]August 4, 2034 Operator reporting. I’ve compiled all the info that the agents could gather. I’m still sorting it all out but I’ve got the basics ready to show to the new arrivals. It’s probably going to be difficult to get all of them to adjust to this, but I’m confident in my own abilities to keep things under control. For those of you interested, here is the presentation I’ve prepared.[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [h3]Greetings and Welcome[/h3] My name is Elias Winzer. I’m your Operator. You’ve probably got tons of questions racing around in your head like, “Where am I?”, “What’s going on?”, and “Who’s this nerd who gave me this pamphlet?” Well, let me be the one to quell your worries with a quick overview of the situation. The world has become victim to attacks from otherworldly beings, as you’ve no doubt been hearing on the news lately. Colossal, glowing red humanoids wreaking havoc in populated areas. Wildlife and land masses being ravaged by feral, alien beasts. Entire cities losing power because of sludge monsters covering the network. It’s all quite alarming, yes. And why is it happening? These monsters are leaking into our reality from a different dimension. Three of them, in fact. A red city caught in a civil war between two peoples. [center][img]http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag462/Maxwell_Schumacher/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps3owglqkk.jpg[/img][/center] A foggy wilderness littered with rabid, hungering creatures. [center][img]http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag462/Maxwell_Schumacher/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpskzuh0dsc.jpg[/img][/center] And an underground network of tunnels and chambers, filled with biomechanical abominations. [center][img]http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag462/Maxwell_Schumacher/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsdgraaieb.jpg[/img][/center] You’re wondering how you fit into all this, I bet. You’re here because of your dreams. Ever since the attacks started, you’ve been finding yourself exploring one of these places while you sleep, confronting the same beings that are attacking earth. And you’ve been seeing other people experiencing the same thing. You’ve felt like you’re really, physically there – and you are. You have a connection to the “Zones”, we call them. How you obtained it is unimportant. What you need to worry about now is helping us stop these attacks from happening. In the Zones, you have powers the likes of which only you [i]could[/i] dream about. It depends on which Zone you’re connected to. [b][color=red]Zone 1[/color][/b] gives you power over a certain element. [b]Zone 2[/b] physically changes you into a beast or animal that roams the wilderness. [b][color=black]Zone 3[/color][/b] fits you with extrasensory/biological powers, and mechanical augmentations to your body. It doesn’t matter which one you’re connected to. What we need from you are your powers and your capability with them. We need to send you into the Zones – even the ones you haven’t visited – to find these monsters, and kill them before they “bleed” into our reality. We possess a machine that will give you the coordination and support to take on these creatures before they have a chance to escape their Zone. The life you had before now has been put on hold. We need you for this, right here, right now. We need your help. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [center][img] http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag462/Maxwell_Schumacher/cooltext1949928440_zpsujowi30w.png[/img][/center] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZONES is a game that has been in the works for a couple months now. If you're interested and have any questions, feel free to say so in this here interest check. I'll be doing my best to work with people and accommodate everyone.