Serena groaned a little at the mention of outside. She didn't want to think about going anywhere that didn't have a bathroom ready and available for her to vomit in. She wasn't in the mood for outside, she was tired, her ears were ringing, and she still felt nauseous. However, she gave in, hoping that made some fresh air would do her some good, "Okay... Alright... Fine." She walked over to the door before she turned away and found her shoes and grabbed a coat. She wrapped her arms around Sebastian's and headed outside. She supposed one good thing was Sebastian seemed to be able to tell when it was she was going to be sick, so at least she'd get some warning. She looked up at him as they started to walk, "Are you alright, Sebastian? You seem... nervous about something?" They didn't make it down the hall before the ringing got louder in Serena's ears. She blinked a few times and looked around noticing that her vision had gone spotty. Then everything went dark and Serena hit the ground, out cold her eyes wide open. ~ Rae looked at her as she explained wanting to make her way to the mall and groaned a little, only for her to tell him that he might enjoy himself while they were there. He looked at her, "I've been to the mall before, Ross," He teased, "I just go to all the high end stores and avoid the pretzels like the plague." He laughed and patted the driver's seat, "To the mall it is," He looked at her, "You want the mall, you, sadly, get the mall."