[b]Sarina Tala Dei[/b] Sarina could care less about Grimm studies. After all it was a simple class to her and missing a day wouldn’t affect her. Though she wondered what she could do now… Sarina walked down the hallway to enter her dorm room which was entirely to herself. She sat down on her couch. Her mind was in state of nothingness. As time passed by she lied down on her couch to eventually going to sleep. -- [b]Sarina Tala Dei - Survival[/b] Waking from her nap, Sarina realized she was going to be late for Combat Practice. It did not stress her out; so long she arrives to class. With her weapons by her side she traveled to Survival arriving late as Vorosky. Sarina knew the drill. Broken window, teleport… she did this before last year. She grabbed an industrial screw and jumped through the window going into the teleport…feet first, a mistake she made during her first year. [i]I hope no one is in front of me as she made the same mistake again. [/i] Yet as she got out of the teleport she noticed a man directly in front of the teleporter. She yelled “watch out” and her quick thinking came. She immediately unsheathed Arbiter and threw it to the ground sticking into the grass the blade just a few inches away from Daniels back. As she descended she used the hilt of Arbiter as a pedestal as one of her feet landed on the hilt of her sword and then immediately placed her other foot upon Daniels left shoulder. Nonchalantly Sarina said “Glad my feet didn’t collide with your head? If it did, you’d be like the guy from last year who had to stay bedridden for a week.” Monotonously she said “Sarina, assistant of Goodwitch. You must be Daniel.”