She looked up at Jacque, wincing a little. "I guess that drink might have to wait," She said, before cursing under her breath and dashing back to her office to change once more. Thank god she decided to leave her white button-down shirt on; she just needed to throw on her jacket meant for work- one look out the window told her it was still raining rather heavily- and headed immediately for the debriefing. She burst in late, breathing heavily, before bowing once in apology. "I'm sorry I'm late!" She immediately took a seat next to Kai, since it was the first empty one her eyes landed up on. She took a deep breath, looking sideways to Kai with a sheepish grin. "Sucks to be us, huh?" She whispered as the head of their department began to brief them on the area in which the Stress Level Warning was issued; Ikebukuro, in a shop where there was now a hostage situation. The people in the shop panicking lead to the rise in the area's collective Psycho Pass, which then alerted the street scanners.