[Inspired by Nat's thread "DAVEY JONES!"] Whoever guesses the videogame first gets to type in a new quote. If your a mean jerk and don't respond to guesses or give a new quote in 24 hours, then I'll supply a new one. Don't be a mean jerk. I'll start with an easy one. [quote=Some game]"War. War never changes."[/quote] --- Quotes (current quote at the botttom [maybe]): {Note: quotes marked with a " | " at the beginning are being left unanswered via GM fiat} "War. War never changes." - Fallout "Humanity, as always, brought this war... upon itself." - Gears of War "War has changed." - MGS4: Guns of the Patriots. "No one supports Earth. Earth supports Mars." - Red Faction "Fool, I have existed for millennia, it is impossible for you to comprehend what I am." - Fable "I hear you speak, and suddenly I'm reminded of how the people I respected most in my life had a problem with authority." - Red Dead Redemption "You were almost a Jill sandwich!" - Resident Evil | "Here I come I am cinnamon" "I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate you!" Final Fantasy VI. Or III (On the SNES). | "Apathy is Death." - Knights of the Old Republic | "It’s not the tool, compadre, it’s how you fuck people up with it!” "Shepard." - Mass Effect | "Please be careful out there. Give my regards to the next frog you meet." | "Are you kidding? I don't need no dance moves. I got charm, my friend. Here, I'll give you some of my lines, so maybe you won't have to spend so many nights with Rosie Palm and her five sisters. Hey, here's one. Hey, is that a mirror in your pocket? 'Cos I can see myself in your pants." "Blood is the Emperor's currency; spend it well."