The Director arched his eyebrows, contemplating Jacque's question before tapping her lower lip. "Thank you for reminding me, Jacque; please go over with Miichi and Kai to investigate. It might be a serious problem if they somehow managed to escape the cymatic scans conducted regularly by the street scanners. A possible reason may be blind spots between the scanners, and if so, please help me mark out which areas need to be installed with more scanners so as to avoid such incidents from happening again. I appreciate your help." Miichi looked up at the Director's words, standing up to grab the file off the table which the Director stood in front of. Relieved sighs hissed out from the other Inspectors as they were all looking forward to enjoying their Friday night, not exactly wanting to go out on a mission at 9pm. She looked back to Kai, and nodded. "We should. I'll go get Jun after collecting our Dominators from the cart, so you go start up the van first, alright?" She smiled, standing up from her seat as the rest began to slowly file out. She picked up the file filled with the information that may or may not come in handy during the operation and flipped through it, turning to walk out. She didn't see what was ahead of her, though, and slammed into the doorframe while trying to walk out of the room. She dropped the file and winced, rubbing a hand over her forehead. _________________________________________________________________________________ [[I fixed it; [[@MonsieurShade]] and [[@Polaris North]]. sorry for the trouble.]]