[@Z2010Deadmeat] "I know you do. But at the same time, I'm not going to rely on my healing factor to save me. Who knows, you might have some Deus ex machina sword that stops healing factors, or something dumb along those lines." He replied as he kept a hand on the gun and looked at the names. "I know some of these people. They've gone after me in an attempt to mug me. A poor decision on their parts." Some names stood out to him, others not so much. Some he didn't even know about, which was very surprising. "I must say, you work fast. Some of these people I wouldn't even think of, they're model students." He took his hand off the gun as he grabbed the paper. "What's your plan? I know you have one, you're not a person who's caught off guard easily. Me, I'm more of a 'Point and release' man. I can improvise and that's as far as planning goes."