[quote=@Hebigami Shiho] [CENTER][h3]Oriel[/h3][/CENTER] [color=ed1c24]"Eh? Training? Oh, yeah, right. That thing. Sure, I won't say no to free alcohol after a good sweat. So, what the hell are we up to now?"[/color] She said, turning to Ajax. Absent minded as she was, it wasn't until she saw his face that she actually recognized the guy and put it together with the name. [color=ed1c24]"Ah, you are that asshole that came here from the council. You are, what, the janitor of the council or something?"[/color] She had a smug smirk on her face while she talked, until she heard Aiden call him 'Councilman'. If that much was true, then she was in deep shit now, not only because she called him an asshole, but also because she said he was a janitor. Most politicians were proudful about their positions and all, Oriel has already experienced the wrath of belittling someone like that. Being banned from several bars around the city is not a pretty thing. [color=ed1c24]"Eh? Councilman? For real? Oh, shit. I'm sorry, I guess? For calling you that and everything."[/color] Now, nervous of what might happen if she doesn't calm down the councilman, she turned to Aiden, hoping he'd be kind enough as to speak up for her. [color=ed1c24]"O-Oi, [i]sweetie[/i], you know that was just a joke, right? C-Can't you say something to him before he gets pissed off? I'll be in real trouble if you don't."[/color] Oriel siad to him, clinging tightly to his arm. [/quote] [h3][color=6ecff6]Aiden[/color][/h3] Aiden flinched as Oriel told off their new boss, then sighed as she clung to him, doing his best not to show how tense that made him. Taking a breath, Aiden hoped Ajax would be merciful, though he doubted it very much. 'Out of all the things she had to do, she ad to insult the guy who's going to be our boss right before our training. This is fan-fucking-tastic.' "Ajax-dono, please don't take what Oriel said personally. She just has a penchant for not thinking before she speaks at times. I assure you that I'll do my best to prevent it from happening again." Aiden said, unconsciously positioning himself so that he was slightly in front of Oriel in a protective stance. It seemed that while his mind was still on the fence, his instincts were already making him very protective of Oriel. "So then, lets forget about this and move along to our training, shall we? The sooner we get stared, the sooner we can finish and get to work. Considering hat happened 3 days ago, I think it's become more important than ever to hunt down these dark guilds before they do such violent deeds ever again." Aiden's smile fell as he thought about what had happened not so long ago, what he had seen. Three towns had been attacked, and two major buildings, the Fairy Tail Guild and the Guildmaster's meeting hall, had been completley demolished. And all they had to show for it was one demon dead, out of five, and that was even a loss in some respects as it increased the strength of his brother. That led him back to the [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs29/f/2008/082/c/9/Tribal_Demon_New_by_Songue.jpg]symbol[/url] he had seen in the crater, he wasn't at all familiar with it. "Ajax-dono, if you don't mind me asking, do you know who is responsible for the attacks, and why they did it in the first place?" [h3][color=9e0b0f]Revan[/color][/h3] The second they moved, a barrage of hydras leapt out of the shadows at the Phoenix Fang members, their fangs open wide and aiming to wrap around their limbs and bite at their necks. Revan, launched himself forward as well, his speeds boosted by his [url=http://darkdamnedsoul.weebly.com/uploads/1/0/6/6/10665796/7256710_orig.jpg?673]bulwark hydra armor[/url] as he created a large claw around his right hand, bashing away the rocks head his way as if they were nothing as he made his way towards the enemy that had sent the rocks hurtling towards him. he felt the blood rushing through his veins, the excitment of battle flooding his senses. Try as he might to subdue it, battling strong opponents is what really made him feel alive, and these guys were strong, he could tell. They weren't strong enough, but they would make a god stress reliever if nothing else. He didn't waste time on words, aiming to slash the young upstart in half with a summoned blade, black as midnight and with a jagged edge. He would keep swinging at him, aiming for the arms and the legs so as to disable the brat. If he was able to, however, he try and make a strike for the torso, but he'd have to be certain he opening wasn't a trap before he did. His armor would come alive as well, with hydras, around 8 of them, striking out with impressive force, using their heads like bullets to try and urn their master's foe into swiss cheese.