A large *WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE* droned through the compound as the massively tall, thick, heavy, metal walls of the defense system ground into place. So long as those were up, no more cannonballs could get through. Meanwhile, Dani growled as Natsu appeared to be telling the truth. Lougetown WAS only a five day journey, she didn't see how it was possible, or even fucking why it was plausible, to send a fully equipped battleship after one small marine. And why would they fire on her rather than just talk. She was on... okaaaay... ish... standing with the government. Not to mention she would have gotten a Wanted poster in the mail BEFORE they had time to reach her. Before she had time to think the rest of this through, however, she noticed something odd in the fog. A... hand? Holding... SHIT!!! ... ... ... ... BOOOOOOM!!!!!! Room 15 exploded as an RPG hit. 18 feet down, Dani had her hand jammed into the side of the tower, Natsu clutched tightly in her left arm. Letting her down gently (the ground was two feet down), Dani unplugged from the wall. "Okay... clearly these guys don't care about killing you to kill me. These are not marine tactics. Someone is playing pretend... but why?" Dani said, mostly to herself. Once again, she didn't get long to think as suddenly dozens of men and women started to rain down from the fog, guns ablazing. Each one was dressed as a marine... but clearly... these were mercenaries. And not just any. These guys belonged to the Aka Pirates. 'Marvy-chan would NEVER do this... somethings wrong' she thought, pulling out her guns and popping some of the bastards. Acquaintances or not, no one... NO ONE... fucks with her family...