[h1][color=6ecff6]Amaya VanIsis - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall[/color][/hi] Amaya listened to Damian before nodding looking towards the job board, noticing Jamie standing against it watching them. She adjusted her hair over her shoulder before heading to the Job board [color=6ecff6]"Hm, Never been too good at finding a fun job I might like to do."[/color]She commented out loud more to herself then anyone beofre looking towards Jamie [color=6ecff6]"Anything you might suggest that would be good for my first job as a Phoenix Wing Memeber?"[/color]she asked him...or her. [color=6ecff6]"Oh, Question...I know this is probably a VERY STUPID question but DO or can one live here or somewhere near by cause I dont mind sleeping outside or anything but I do not have any money to afford a home or somewhere to stay."[/color]She asked before looking around where she stood waiting for a possible answer. Her sense of smell was driving her nuts from all the varying smells of the guild itself and the most recent fight. She rubbed her nose shaking her head some, trying to get the smells out of her nose and get them to quit confusing her brain on what she was smelling.