[b]Keira[/b] "You can have your chance next time," she said giving Eli a slight smile ",I think leaving would be for the best in case the fed decides on dropping by." As they left the inner battle of telling Eli what the man was looking for begun. She desperately wanted to but at the same time feared to tell him about it. All the while this was going on internally she tried to keep a calm expression on her face. "Hopefully that little incident didn't ruin any other plans we could have for the rest of the day," she said while she somewhat stalled herself from telling Eli the truth. [b]Scorn[/b] "Well Jacob we conduits need to stick together. Any conduit looking for sanctuary is welcomed to the great Reaper gang. The only thing I ask for if you wish to stay is help in little projects here and there once in awhile. I think it's quite reasonable deal. I'm sure though you will be a valuable addition," she said still balancing herself on the rails of the old track ",It might take some time getting use to so many different people but I'm sure you will fit into the party. After all we are more then friends we are all one big happy family. I must return to my things but I figured to give you a cheery welcome from the Reaper Queen herself. Take care Jacob." With that she disappeared into the shadows of the tunnel, jumping her way back to the main point of operations heading off to her own room to work on her next move and plans.