[quote=@TheMaster99] To be fair, most people are [b]going to use [i]Ctrl+B/I/etc.[/i] to add the tags,[/b] (or the buttons) which will obviously never have that error. Besides, although it'd be nice for it to work regardless of the configuration, it really isn't necessary, nor is it too much to ask IMO for users to just fix their BBCode in such a case. EDIT: added [noparse][noparse][/noparse] so the quote would work. [/quote] true. Not sure what way that user had input his BBCode. It certainly isn't too much to ask them to fix it (we did), but if its the sort of thing that could easily be fixed for avoiding future bothers, then we figured we'd mention it. would it be functional / a good idea to have it so that when BBcode in a post isn't working right after you post it, you get a big red sign telling you so?