[quote=@stickman] Not to rain on anyone's parade or insult anyone, but we have three mid twenty women. That is no problem, I like (most) women in their mid twenties, especially ones looking like the characters described in the CS page. So good job, nice characters :) However, I don't know how realistic this is going to be. But I'm starting to get the feeling that this isn't exactly what I'm looking for. Could you clarify what you would expect that the direction of this RP is going to be, Inferno? [/quote] I have taken into account your thoughts when judging the characters, but a chameleon and a hacker are not so dependent on age, while gender is more of an advantage to the first role and irrelevant for the second. For the thief, after inspecting the bio I think it can still be logical, since I believe that Kei is more like a cat burglar...Still, I admit that this many women weren't within my expectations! But I am clearly going for a realistic approach! As for Caine, his bio is indeed a bit exagerrated compared to his age. Raising his age by 10 or so should be good! [quote=@Mistress Dizzy] I've got 2 in my head. Is there an age limit for characters? I kinda want one of mine to be a protege of an older, semi-retired thief. They'd be... maybe 15 - 16? Skills would be a lot of pickpocketing, acting, and being a math/engineering prodigy (who is also dyslexic). I had another character, but it seems that there are a lot of cute ladies running around... Kijani dislikes competition. Perhaps I could also play the little protege's grandmother, who is a charming, 50+ woman. Retired thief out of Europe, now has a legitimate art dealership that is hiding a much more shady fence operation. *thinks more* I also had a dude, but he's the hacker type and that's been filled. What else is needed? [/quote] I have an age limit of 18+, but, since stickman fairly judged this part of the CS, I should clear things a bit. When I set the age, I had in mind that, with common logic, one could understand which character could be realistic even by being 18, ie a hacker. But don't forget that these are criminals that have mastered their respective criminal activity. Since this RP isn't going to go too farfetched, I can't have someone go Assasin's Creed style and become a hitman at the age of 13. I was lax on the CS, because I believe that we can all understand if something is logical or not! [@Inuyasha]Batman-like criminals are surely not fulfilling the conditions of realism I was pointing out above, that's for sure :P