[center][img]http://i58.tinypic.com/2gwcbrm.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]"Sometimes I want to cry...or run away...or even just fight back. It's cause I'm human. No matter how hard we try to fake it, we can't help how we feel. This is who I am and this is who you are until the end."[/i][/center] Name: Paneru Yagyū Age: 16 Gender: Male Class: 1-B Personality: Despite his effeminate appearance, he doesn't actually act girly, though, due to his comforting and protective nature, he comes off as very…motherly. Paneru is incredibly sensitive to the feelings of others, making him very empathic. He is prone to cry for many different reasons. He is a feminist who believes in equality regardless of gender or rank. He is often mistaken for a girl and admits to having a bit of a complex towards these types of questions. Nonetheless, as mentioned, he is a very motherly individual, typically protective and worrisome over the well-being of others. He is often seen making graceful expressions such as clasping his hands together and being tender and affectionate. Though preferring diplomatic resolutions and being slightly demure, he won't hesitate to snap at others for slipping with their manners or being impolite or selfish. He is an immense social butterfly who feeds off the positive energy of others. In some instances though, he can behave like an overprotective parent and go on seemingly endless rants. However, hidden beneath the surface lies a dark past and a heavy heart, scarred, but usually kept on reserve by a coy smile. He is incredibly aware of the world around him and as a photographer and painter, he uses that as a focal point for his hidden sadness and talents. He does indeed suffer from depression, though, most wouldn't know it. Background: As odd as it seems, Paneru's mother was a neglectful fortuneteller who made quick money by rambling off self-proclaimed prophecies about her clients. Whether they were the truth or not is up in the air. But when his mother died from an illness at the age of 10, his father took custody of him and his two younger sisters. His parents had divorced when he was only 2 years old and this turned his dad into an emotional wreck. His father, who was a drunk no less, sexually and emotionally abused him and his sisters for many years. Although he was already growing into his talent for art at his age, Paneru began swimming as a way to escape the pain of his father. To be free like a fish was the greatest feeling on the planet. Swimming became his life, even overtaking his love for art and newly blooming love for photography. But of course, these acts from his father turned him into an emotional wreck as well and unfortunately Paneru began a trend of cutting himself. When he was finally freed from his father(sent to prison) at the age of 14, he and his sisters went to live with their maternal-grandmother and grandfather. They were two of the most angelic people on the planet and nothing like his abusive father or neglectful mother. It was them, who helped steer Paneru into a path of positivity. Although the pain still resides in his heart, he is slowly learning to come to terms with his past, so he can eventually forge a much better future. Skills: Paneru is an incredibly talented artist, so he can draw and paint exceptionally well. He is also an amazing photographer. Though usually lacking in most physical activities, he took a liking to swimming when he was 5 and has been swimming on a regular basis ever since. In the water he is like a fish and can hold his breath for several minutes. Because he is an incredibly talented swimmer and does it actively, he has very good stamina. Furthermore, having trained to be more agile in the water has help him be more nimble and agile on land, especially since his body is so lithe. He definitely lacks pure strength though. Also, he is tone deaf and can't sing worth a lick or play an instruments. He is fairly book smart, but lacks street smarts. Because he loves to read and is very good at reading, he knows about a lot of different things, but suffers when it comes to more complicated subjects like math and technology. Weapons: N/A Relationships/Friendships: He is always open to making new friends. -Ben Warren: He was immediately welcomed by senior Ben Warren and they almost instantly had a genuine connection as if they had been long-lost friends. He is saddened by the idea of Ben graduating at the end of the year, especially since he is always worrisome over Ben's well-being, especially since he is so physically active and suffers from hemophilia. Other: Pansexual. Paneru almost always wears long sleeves and long pants to cover the numerous self-inflicted scars and cuts on his arms and legs. (They ate Shoske)