[center] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs41/i/2009/024/c/4/Elf_girl_by_Reami___color_me_by_Joakaha.jpg[/img] But the ends of her hair change [color=ed1c24]c[/color]o[color=f7941d]l[/color]o[color=92278f]r[/color] and they can [color=fff79a]light up [/color]in the [color=0072bc]dark[/color]. But sometimes she has cat ears she has to hide with [color=bc8dbf]m[/color][color=fdc68a]a[/color][color=7bcdc8][color=a2d39c]g[/color][/color]i[color=f6989d]c[/color] but they pop out when she gets too excited. Her eyes have a ring in the center that glow different colors sometimes, too, 'cause she's [color=ed145b]m[/color][color=fff79a]a[/color][color=8dc73f]g[/color][color=6ecff6]i[/color][color=440e62]c[/color]. [color=FF0066][i]Princess Bella Hikari Marianna Starina Amantha Ivory Tara Suu Alania-Hime[/i][/color] [color=F7B3DA][b]Species:[/b] Super-ultra-uber-mega-KAWAII-PRINCESS-DESU![/color] [color=FDF8FF][b]Gender:[/b] Girl, butt she can turn into a guy, but she doesn't do it often because all the girls think she's so hot as a guy that they all try to force her to date them and she's shy and even all the guys who see her try to date her too and even kidnap her sometimes so she needs to carry tasers on her all the time.[/color] [hider=Bello, Bella's guy form! HE'S SO HOT!!!!1!1!!111][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/3622213e813c870c87228f659e75965c/tumblr_myfq32OE9c1t4urfuo1_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=D15FEE][b]Age:[/b] 17! But she's immortal, so it doesn't matter and acts mature enough to date older![/color] [color=00FFFF][b]Personality:[/b] Pretty, sexy, shy, cute, smart but kinda airheaded, pretty, sweet, friendly, tragic, funny, super smart. She doesn't want to date anyone but she does sometimes but she's saving herself for her prince she's engaged to who she doesn't know was hypnotized into being a villain but he loves her still and wants to kidnap her and make her his dark queen and rule all the universes desu![/color] [color=ADFF2F][b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] She knows all forms of martial arts to keep boys from kidnapping her because of her hotness and she can turn into a dragon and a mermaid and a neko and an usagi and a magical girl and fire RAINBOW KITTY LASERs. She can also heal people with her tears![/color] [color=fff200][b]Backstory:[/b] She was a princess in another dimension but then demons took it over and hypnotized her fiancé and her parents sent her to another world as a baby to save her before they got killed [/color][color=FF0000]AND DIED BECAUSE OF IT.[/color] [color=fff200]Then she was raised by a nice couple but then [/color][color=FF0000]THEY DIED HORRIBLY[/color] [color=fff79a]and every family that has taken her in since [/color][color=FF0000]HAS DIED!!!!![/color] [color=fff79a]except for her most recent family who lived but were super mean to her cause they thought she was ugly and stupid and their other daughter was a brat but they thought she was prettier and smarter anyway even though she just stole Princess Bella's homework so she had to do it twice every night. Because she was always such good friends with all the animals, though, she found a magic merferret {It's like a ferret that can grow a mermaid tail and breathes underwater and is [/color][color=39b54a]greeen[/color][color=fff79a], guys! I made it myself!} that told her about her parents and unlocked her magical girl powers [/color][color=FF0000]BUT THEN DIED BECAUSE DEMONS ATTACKED[/color] [color=fff79a]and she had to kill them with her new[/color] [color=37FDFC]K[/color][color=FFBBFF]A[/color][color=37FDFC]W[/color]A[color=FFBBFF]I[/color][color=37FDFC]I[/color] P[color=FFBBFF]O[/color][color=37FDFC]W[/color]E[color=FFBBFF]R[/color]S[color=FFBBFF]![/color] [b][color=007FFF]Extra: When she's a guy, she calls herself Bello, and her fiancé's name is Prince Amaranth Stephan Oscuro-Schwarz Tristan Garnet-Ouji-Sama and he has a super not-kawaii underling who has a mohawk made of skulls and[/color] [color=E3170D]blood[/color] [color=007FFF]and stuff and eats bananas made of[/color] [color=E3170D]blood.[/color] Also part of the Super Glorious Max Unicorns group because she totally can communicate with unicorns and stuff yeah. [/b] (Oh my god, I'm going to some sort of punishment afterlife for this.) [/center]