In regards to my CS; Yes Kei is a modern day cat-burglar. She steals things because it's fun and she's good at it. I took inspiration from real cat-burglars for her character. From a psychological point of view, her kleptomania began as teenage rebellion against her guardian (her aunt) who, for all intents and purposes, stood for authority and conformity in society. It later grew into an obsession and she soon found out that her obsession was very profitable. Naturally, she used her skills to make a living just as someone with a talent for carpentry makes furniture to make ends meet. Her calling card of taking a selfie before a heist and leaving clues is all about making her work exciting for her. It's more a game of 'catch me if you can' rather than just putting food on the table. A calling card also acts as a symbol, proof that they are real and that the things they do will be remembered. The 'Cat-Suit' is something derived from pop culture but it also makes sense for a thief to have something like it that is flexible enough to allow a wide range of movement but also skin-tight to avoid any snags and reduce the wearers silhouette making them more difficult to spot.