Kudos to Kadeaux's nation RP system. [@ethanjory] Pro: Flagellants!: There are those whose devotion knows no bounds, no equal. These people flagellate themselves to cleanse themselves of sin, or so they perceive, these can be often called upon to join the holy army to flagellate not just themselves, but the enemy as well. These completely frenzied individuals know no pain and will not retreat even if ordered to. Con: Mercenary Muscle: Your nation relies heavily on mercenaries and hired hands. And they are only as loyal as their pay check. The problem with a nation full of mercenaries is what happens when an enemy nation simply decides that they’re going to offer your men more than you do. There is nothing quite so terrible as half of your army packing up and joining the bad guys. [@Gowia] Pro:Delatores: Your secret police, internal spies. They watch the moods and flows of the nation politically and nationally watching the way people react and heading off rebellion before it ever rears its head. Hopefully. Con: Bandits are a major concern and problem within your nation to the point where only a fool travels unarmed, or in large groups. [@OneEyedChurro] Pro: Lament of the Dead: Your nation’s people are a people rich in culture, and the dead are often revered and this is a song of regret and vengeance. The morale all who sing such a song is nearly unbreakable, and they will fight beyond the limits of exhaustion under its thrall. Con: Inbred: Your leadership has a history of family being a little too close. Closer than most morally upright are comfortable with, fuck closer than many evil things are comfortable with. This has several issues, one: Your leadership is about as intelligent as a bag of especially stupid potatoes. Two: Your leaders tend to use ‘Mum’, ‘Sister’, ‘Daughter’ etc rather interchangeably. (Anyone using the Lannisters or the Targaryen as inspiration must take this flaw.) [@xXFazeXx] Pro: Live off of the Lands: Foraging is an important thing, especially for an army on the move and none can forage as well as the a people who find such necessary to adequately feed an army on the march. Let alone their entire population. Con: The Wandering Way: Very few can handle the life of the wanderer. Your people always are on the move except during the winter months when they hunker down in their territories. This means their entire nation is on the move except their defenders during the spring to autumn months. This makes it harder to be attacked. But also limits the nation. They are less dependent on cities,but when Winter comes they MUST hunker down in their winter cities or die. [@Terminal] Pro: Ossuary: Sometimes the art of death is more literal than others. Some Necromancers conceal their art within their homes and forts by animating the skeletons to take the shape of bone artworks when they are not in use enabling them to surprise an enemy easily. Con: Bloodthirsty: Your people are bloodthirsty savages, when your nation is at peace with other nations, or indeed, untouched for any length of time, internal wars, a rise in crime and banditry. Your nation becomes rife with blood. [@Goldeagle1221] Pro: Bread and Games: Bread for the people to keep them fed, and games to keep them entertained! With these the people are kept happy as they can get easily. But of course they demand bigger and larger spectacles as time goes on. You must keep those people happy! Riots are the penalty for failing to taste the mood of the crowds! Con: Gluttonous Pigs: Your people just can’t keep themselves from eating more than their share. Actually, more than they’re, their neighbour, and the merchant across the streets share too now that we think about it. [@The Captain] Pro: Watch towers: No matter what your military is like it is usually best to know BEFORE the enemy is knocking on your gates so you use a system of watch towers to warn you before the enemy gets to close. Con: Who Cares about Hobbiton: You’re small, inconsequential, probably so hard to remember your citizens can barely remember your nation’s name. But that all goes towards keeping those filthy enemies out there from using a dragon to breathe down your small hairy inbred necks! [@McGar] Pro: Mountainfolk : Your people are natives to the mountains and prefer to live within and amongst them. This means they’re more adept at building mountain holds than others and so can usually hold out longer than typically. Con: Bound by Tradition: Your people are loathe to change to the ideals and traits of some other less accepting or those who simply change too much too fast. As such diplomacy with any nation becomes much more difficult. [@DancingEagle] Pro: For the People: All of your government’s efforts are at least superficially ‘for the people’ this ranges from your leaders handing out gold to the poor to your overlord butchering their neighbours ‘for security’. Con: Facts facts facts!: Unfortunately their reputation for being a dour and uninteresting people, this is false but propagated by the constant requirement that all be fact. They do not take or tolerate fiction or unprovable knowledge. If it cannot be proven then they do not want it in their libraries. For why should they tolerate fiction when there are more facts to learn!? [@GreivousKhan] Pro: Monolithic: Your nation is a monolith. It stands astride the world like a colossus. Or at the least that is the impression it conveys to others and works to cultivate. An intimidating nation might just avoid conflicts it would rather avoid. Con: Led by Morons: While not family-fuckers like the inbreeds, your nation does seem to have a knack for getting imbeciles into power, and as such the chances of something stupid happening increases exponentially. [@Chapatrap] Pro: Chain Gangs: The Slaves of the mines, or anywhere else they are expected to work in large numbers are chained together, literally, and forced to work, this makes it even harder for the forced labour to escape due to the noisy often difficult (or impossible) to remove chains. Con: One, two, many?: Your people while not necessarily stupid, are mathematically inept, counting is simply not in their nature, and that causes problems with your tax collectors who settle for close enough. When all is said and done you lose some of your gold to 'miscounting’. [@Color_Weaver] Pro: A little money here and there: The Merchants leave aside a little ‘bribe’ money with which to get through those pesky little legal roadblocks and expedite trade, oh nothing illegal of course, just some sharp-edged coin to cut through the red tape, like getting into cities and getting the choicest stalls. You have a lot of money. Grease a couple of palms, for a little coin to grease a few palms can get you preferred status as the chosen customers of more than a few merchants. After all, they’ve all got such incredibly large families to feed. Con: Bloody City Guard: Your people do not like authority as a group. As a result order is harder to keep in your cities, or not at all in some cases, and your troops are less disciplined on the battlefield. They have a tendency to break ranks rapidly, either to charge or to run depending on the situation. [@Senor Herp] Pro: Slavers: Yours is a nation that embraces and uses slavery, there is little distinction between those who enslave wholesale and those for whom slavery is a punishment for grave crimes. Either way, there are those they regard as simple property with no rights. Slave loyalty is a fickle thing, but the slavers have a simple solution to such a minor concern, a disobedient, troublesome or just plain worthless slave is quite simply sent to the (alum) mines to work the rest of their meagre and miserably short lives. The threat of this is often enough to ensure the loyalty of other slaves. Con: Turnips and Radishes: Your peasantry has the singular honour of having the single worst diet in the world. Your more worth-something citizens simply must get every food worth eating leaving your peasants with the two worst foods of the medieval world. And sometimes (if your rulers are cruel enough) brussel sprouts are on the peasants table too. Of course its nobody’s fault when the peasants rise up in revolt (If your food was as revolting you might revolt too.) [@Cold] Pro: Brave: Your people are strong of heart and spirit and will face down monsters, odds and mages with courageous resolve. Con: Abrasive: Your people are just not likable. Your personalities stink, your accents grind on the senses and... well... everyone dislikes you. Don’t expect to get quick allies. [@The Nexerus] Pro: Hold the Line: Your army is built on infantry. Solid infantry to hold the line at all costs and against all enemies. Your infantry is far better than average. Con: Afraid of Water: Your nation is terrified of water, oceans or any large body of water. They quite simply will avoid the coast alone, and getting them out onto the ocean aboard a vessel is close to impossible. [@Cyclone] Pro: Composite Bows: Your nations bowyers have learned to manufacture bows from several materials combined into a single, stronger, better bow. Often they shoot further and more powerfully than a normal bow. Though sometimes they suffer stresses that a normal bow does not, such as the glues failing in extreme climates and the bow falling apart. Con: Plagues!: Your lands are, plagued, by plagues. In times of trouble and in peace there is little time when you are not assailed by plagues, your people are dying and they are unhappy. [@Victoria2FTW] Pro: Warriors of the Sea: Your men were born on the sea, or so it would seem to your enemies who face you there. All expert swimmers and excellent boarders, they also make great raiding troops! Con: Raiders First: Your people are not the most reasonable of people. They are often seen as pirate kings and lords of plunder. And indeed, their first inclinations are in fact to raid before diplomacy. And this shows in the difficulty they have with anything... diplomatic.