[pre] >Select.player "Aeon" >Set.class "Necromancer" >Equip.Weapon "Gem Staff" >Equip.Head "Necromancer's Skull" >Equip.Torso "Necromancer's Robes" >Set.color primary="Purple" >Set.color secondary="Black" >ReSpawn.player "Aeon" [/pre] >Move north. >Smink summons a weak sprite and sends it searching. [indent]>The Sprite moves north.[/indent] >Broby moves north. >Aeon moves north with Broby and Smink's Sprite. They spot a pack of wolves, feasting off a fly ridden caracass. [img]http://i.imgur.com/JDsxFpS.png[/img] >Awson heads south. >Kirra follows Awson. >Azar follows the group heading south. >Pink does a merry dance as he follows the group heading south, playing a cheerful tune. >Ri does a merry dance while following [i]everyone[/i] south. They spot a group of soldiers. The lead soldier, spying Awson first, beckons him over. [img]http://i.imgur.com/vU0uJLK.png[/img] >Vampy looks around for anybody who is injured, but only Smink and Musket remain, who have both been mystically healed by higher powers. >Musket contemplates the mysteries of existence. >Smink waits, watching through the eyes of his sprite. [img]http://i.imgur.com/rvlfWfN.png[/img]