John steps with the two paramedics to the ambulance as AGAG suggests John to barter his pants for one of the suits. "Good idea, it'll protect me" John mutters to himself. "Hey, who are you talking to?" One of the doctors who accompanied John asked him. "Oh, no one, no one. Say uh, these pants are really darn comfortable, and you suit is pretty damn cool if I have to say so myself. Would you like a trade?" [i](You have a skill for that. Rolled 5. Success is 50-100)[/i] "Are you crazy?" one of the medics asked John. "The infection must make you crazy!" the other answered. "Come quickly, sir, we must hurry!", as they grabbed John by both his arms and rushed him into the ambulance. John is forcefully thrown into the ambulance, as the crew inside of it try to conduct Intravenous therapy on John, inserting water and nutritional... Stuff... into his bloodstream from a small bag. (You failed a roll. It's [@Teoinsanity]'s turn.)