Takeshi didn't much mind waiting with T'charrl on the ship, it wasn't like they were in any big rush anyways. He'd much rather stay at his brother's side than go running off with the musician anyways, and Shu probably wasn't up for going on a trip just yet. Hopefully the little guy perked up some once they were actually in the city, he was pretty low energy and glum right now. Hearing what Shu had to say he smiled slightly, not so certain how to go about answering that. Technically their mother did abandon them, but they didn't know why that was; their father could have forced her to or something bad may have happened. Whatever the case was Takeshi liked to think they hadn't just been outright abandoned and they might see her again sometime. "I'm sure mom wants to see us, don't be silly. We just have to find her, I doubt she knows where we are," he said confidently with a nod, "I mean look at us, we're flying through space, you know? If she's just a human there's no way she could know where we've gone." Watching as Haku and the musician flew off Takeshi found himself a seat on the rails, content to wait for the guards or someone to come get them. T'charrl didn't sound to thrilled about their hanging around though, probably worried he was inconveniencing them or whatever. Smiling over at their friend he gave a dismissive wave of his hand, placing both then on the rail as he swung his legs idly. "We can explore when you're all set too, the city's not going anywhere. We're not going to leave you alone buddy." Besides, T'charrl was pretty much the only guy these people would probably know, so wandering off on their own without him was going to just cause all sorts of headaches. It would be cool too to share the whole experiencing the city for the first time with their friend, it wasn't like any of them had been here before. "So what do you guys think it's like? The city?" Takeshi asked, glancing in the direction the others had gone, "It looks like it's all hidden away, maybe it's underground like yours T'charrl? Or maybe it's really just hidden, I want to know. I hope it's cool!"