Darcs, you are too much. XD When I saw that picture, it’s been in my RPG stash for sometime, I adored it but I already admire that type of look. That’s my shit, girls & guys with body modification and what not too. Actually, people who don't have them are an oddity to me. So, I am a bit bias. She doesn’t look terrifying to me, just mysteriously gorgeous. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea. –shrugs- I am not too surprised at their reactions/thoughts in all honesty [though Arcanauts post did make me arch a brow] but I did think that the students would be a [i]bit[/i] more open minded toward her…I mean, it’s not like we have powers or anything? That’s not bizarre at all. XD Mary surprised me; I thought she’d be the last person to take to Raven so that’s pretty neat. ^^ I just hope the rest who are leery of her would eventually give her a chance but it’s not gonna break my little blackened heart if they don’t. I’ll care less than she will. ^^ Well, she’ll actually care; it’s just hidden deep down. :3 Should have a post [s]later tonight though[/s] tomorrow, busy day. Bai gais and gurls. ^^