Later into the morning, Kathryn finally stirred. Her body was well rested, but her mind was still weary. Rolling over to face her window, she squinted and tried to judge the time based on the amount of light flooding her living space. "Bloody hell... it's nearly ten." She muttered to herself, but then turned over and shoved her head back into her pillow. A knock at her door caught her attention, and she groaned. "Who is it?" She held her head up, eyes targeted at her door, but there was no answer. She grumbled and sat up in her bed, yelling this time, "Oi, I said who is it?" There was still no answer, but a steady rapping at her door. Frustrated with the mute who was summoning her, she walked to her door and pulled it open part ways, keeping her body behind the wooden frame because she was not properly clothed. "Alright, listen here you-" She poked her head out the door, but there was no one there. Her head stretched further out the door while she tried to glance around and catch whomever had been calling at her doorstep. But alas, there was no one to be seen around her wagon. She closed the door and scratched her head while she yawned. "I swear, I'm gonna kill those two." she murmured to herself, speaking aloud the thought that she believed either Elijah or Claire were teasing her. A flame was lit beneath a pot and the sound of water rolling in a boil filled her room as she got dressed. She made her tea, and sipped on it, allowing the caffeine to brighten her mood and wake her up. When she was satisfied that she wasn't going to pass back out, she put on her shoes and exited her wagon. Kate looked to the left, then to the right. Claire's wagon was to the left, and Elijah's towards the right. She weighed her options, but figured Claire was held up with Solomon anyways. So, she opted for Elijah's keep. She knocked on the door, not resting her fist until he answered. His hair was wild as the animals in the cages down the row, and his eyes were bloodshot and he looked like death itself had paid a visit. "Well, that eliminates one of my suspects." Kate smirked, but Elijah's expression did not change from the flat face which he answered her knocking with. "Uh, you alright there mate?" Kate frowned, and Elijah shook his head. He scratched his scruff and rubbed his hands over his face before looking back at Kate. "I'll be fine, Katie. I just need a bit to wake up. I'll be out later." He smiled weakly and tiredly, but did not give her another chance to speak as he closed he door. From the other side of the door he sighed and looked around. The night had not been good to him, and he felt it. But, he had things to do and he knew he had to get around to it. Kate stood there for a moment and blinked, surprised at her friend's reaction. Well, no use in dwelling on it. She turned on her heel and headed towards the big cat enclosures to accuse Claire of disturbing her and then running off. She arrived at Solomon's cage and saw the tiger protectively lying next to an apparently sleeping Claire. "Alright, nice try. I know you aren't asleep, good effort though." Kate laughed lightly, "Now, how about an explanation for running off this morning, huh?" She crossed her arms and waited for Claire to answer her, though it seemed she was trying to keep appearances up by not making a movement.