[b]Niti Laevis[/b] “It’s fine, Yuuka, you’re pretty much a powerhouse with just your Plant Manipulation.” Niti tried to reassure the plant maiden when he saw her losing her lovely smile at the mention of her Wood Dragon Slayer Magic. “Think I can ask a favor of you to grow me some herbs with that?” He quickly tried to redirect the topic to the Magic she seemed more proud of. Luckily – or perhaps, unfortunately - Hana told a joke… “Oh, Ms Hana, I feel like I’m dying.” Niti laughed along with the samurai; although, the light around his face was dimmed with his smile looking ever so slightly pained. He deliberately chose his words with double-meaning which could be taken in two ways: 1) he was dying of laughter or 2) his soul is literally on the verge of death. Both of them aren’t lies since he was torn between utter amusement and the need to groan. “That was very… punny of you.” The Soap Mage found himself saying to his horror. He felt something decaying that felt very much like his sense of humor. Oh no, out of all his medical expertise, this is a case that must be stopped before all puns could spread any further! Quickly, he grinned and clapped his hands together. “By the way, does anyone know why we’re heading off to Crocus? I heard all the S-class mages are there so it must be pretty big, right?"