[h2]Saber - Restaurant District, Yggdrasil[/h2] Saber's world was almost entirely focused the moment the food was placed down on her plate. Yes... yes, there it was... the aroma reminded her so much of Shirou's excellent cooking... it was an example of traditional Japanese cuisine. Saber's hand almost blurred as she swiftly ferried food from plate to mouth, and was immediately encountered by an intensely blissful flavor. Yes... this was what she desired. The texture, the taste, it was perfect. The chef for this establishment was surely incredibly experienced, there was no way to deny this! Her hand swiftly traveled between plate and mouth. She failed to notice Nono's visible reaction to the mapo tofu, nor anything else. Saber was entirely focused on her meal. In about a minute, which was to say one and a half plates of food later, Saber finally paused to react to her surroundings. Gintoki appeared to have ordered something sweet... Nono was rather flushed. Had she ordered something spicy? Preparing to return to her meal, a thought began to nag at the King of Knights. Yggdrasil was secured. Technological systems, magical wards, unauthorized teleportation was locked out of the tower, and the entryways were monitored carefully. How could the infiltration by Shadow Eternity forces have occurred? It was a rather serious matter, and she was certain Yggdrasil's internal security forces would be investigating, but... "... How could Shadow Eternity have entered this tower for their attack?" she could not simply leave the matter unaddressed. Saber had to at least attempt to discover what had occurred... Meanwhile, from the back of the restaurant, though the crowds of people, a chef's hat bobbed. The wearer was apparently small, as they could not be seen through the crowds. All that was visible was the hat. [h2]Kirisame Marisa, Client World 12262009-A(Macross)[/h2] Marisa twirled one of her chopsticks between two fingers as she listened to Kakine's explanation. She sure was pretty ready to join up with some travelling companions. That way she could go and boast to Alice about the whole thing! The moment her food arrived, she prepared to dig in... but paused when Kakine offered her the headset. As she commonly did when it came to small objects, the Perfectly Ordinary Witch snatched it away and turned it over in her hands, investigating it. "Awesome!" exclaimed the small blonde. "This is one of those things that the outside people use to talk to one another when they're far away, right? I've wanted one but there was never any I could find nice and fast!" This was to say that there was no-where for her to easily steal it from, but they didn't need to know that. "Heh, thanks! This is pretty kickass..." It swiftly vanished beneath her hat, before she proceeded to tear into her meal, shoveling it into her mouth rapidly. [h2]The Leader, Shadow Eternity Headquarters[/h2] For now, all was calm. The Leader knew that her team had perished on that planet, and thus others had to be sent... if there had been any survivors, she did not know of them. It was not an end she had taken lightly, no... Death should not be so pointless. Suffering, pain... it was not her intent to cause such needless things. In some cases the ends had justified the means, but the deaths of those attempting to excavate the coffin were worthless, and the thought of it weighed on her. Had she known such dangers lurked on the planet, she would have sent a more powerful force. For the moment, she simply ran one hand across the cylindrical tank that stored Dead Master... yes, it wouldn't be much longer, at least. Not much longer until the end she truly desired could finally be met. The UMMA would surely be destroyed. "... Cinder Fall," she said, turning away from the tank. "You have business with me?" [h2]UMMA Strike Team Section 4678934-Alpha, Siberia[/h2] The Strike Team's progress was slow and careful. They were swift to check their corners. They had to balance the crucial nature of their mission with ensuring that they did not run into any situation without assessing it first. After all, it'd be no good if they all got killed. However, the captain was confident this wouldn't be the case, and Sato specifically practically radiated confidence. Reynolds radiated a desire to light things on fire. Johnson just wanted to get this mission done safely. All of this was a bit muddled when a shutter suddenly slammed down in front of them. After a brief moment of shock, the captain sighed and glanced back at her team. "Sato, you know what to do," she said. No need to panic, after all. The Japanese woman was practically giddy as she hurried over to the shudder. It would take her a few moments, but she'd have it assembled soon enough. "I'll have it nice and lit up real quick, captain, don't you worry!"