[b]Lillah & Vivian -- Baton Rouge -- Scarlett[/b] "Just need some food is all," Lillah replied, watching the other woman. It was a given--the handful of survivors all needed food. Trust was hard to come by and even harder to give. Though her mind lingered on "kid stuff" and guilt inevitably settled in; anything she took for her and Vivian would be something this lady could have given..what? Her sibling? Her kid? She pursed her lips together and tried to push it out of her mind as she stepped forward to scout the items. She was tense and would occasionally spare the woman a glance, but kept her eyes open for needed food for the most part. The woman then asked if she was alone. Usually, this is where Lillah would lie; however, she needed to take enough for two and the stranger showed no signs of hostility...toward the living at least. "There's one more," she answered truthfully, pulling off her bag to drop a can of peaches into it. "She's standing guard outside." Vivian sauntered back to her place by the door, making an attempt to stay still for more than minute. This consisted of looking around and shifting her weight between one foot and then the other, a pout on her lips. She glanced back at the shoppe, mentally urging her companion to hurry up. She could barely hear words being exchanged, but--not hearing any hostility or shouting--kept her attention on the outside.