[quote=Cyclone]As in for the sunken city full of ghosts, are they really so dangerous and vicious as to actually pose a threat to a fleet a mile or two off the coast? Still, if the sailors were superstitious they could sail just out of sight of the coast for that particular stretch of the way.[/quote] It's not quite like that. There aren't actual ghosts and wraiths poking around, so much as a curse hangs over the coastline like a pall. This is a low fantasy setting, so I'm going with the [Maybe Magic Maybe Mundane] route. Perhaps the Necromancer in Iugulum Mot has some heeby jeeby curse going on, or maybe that particular stretch of coast and the peninsula just happens to be a horrible sailing deathtrap full of sharp jutting rock formations and rogue tides. Who knows? Either way, sailing too close is not recommended. And yes, I did say they could sail out of sight of the coastline - but check the map, there's a large jutting peninsula to sail around. I indicated that sailing around the super long way would be both time consuming and impractical. You can do it, but, [quote=Terminal]if nothing else, Dominion shipping heading that way will likely be issuing several formal and extended complaints.[/quote] Also, the Iugulum Mot stretch is a barrier to Drastonian vessels trying to reach the Dominion as well. Same problems apply. We'll have to wait for Gowia's input before proceeding further on that front. If Drastonia has particularly good trade relations with the Free Family, it may be that they could have a shipping outpost located at Dakat'fium - which is located South of the Iugulum Mot stretch. Drastonia could ship goods overland across Nati territory and then sail them directly South, and the Dominion could send shipments there instead of having to sail around - which cuts time off of their trade route. The obvious problem is that a massive stretch of the trade route is being controlled by uncivilized bloodthirsty savages.