[h3]Smaug VS Beyza- Conclusion[/h3] Bezya was suddenly embraced by the fire approaching him, making him loose track of his opponent and have slight burns on his face. Then his massive horns were soon latched by Smaug's mighty talons and struggles to shake his opponent off. He violently flaps his wings, making loud ear-bursting screams and shakes his massive head from side to side. Eventually he manages to breathe fire in Smaug's face, resulting in his escape. The crimson fire drake roars in annoyance as he makes a quick swoop downwards, regaining his balance and flight. He roars loudly as he begins to make a mad dash at his opponent as he begins to retreat. Or it so seemed to be the least. With a sudden jerk of his head, Beyza stops and turns his massive head right when Smaug was just about to pounce. His right horn hit the drake's side, ramming deep into his flesh. The dragon roars in pure agony as he twists his lower body to allow his back legs to be right on top of the sun dragon, scratching furiously into Beyza's head and neck. Both were locked in a gruesome predicament as they began to plummet back down to the ground. They try their hardest to cause the most damage to each other, while at the same time trying to escape from being crushed from the impact. Only one shall stand... and one shall fall. The two dragons then crash into the ground, too late for one of them to escape. The impact kicked up a ton of dust, blocking any vision from the two dragons from within. For just a minute, all was silent. No one peeped... no one groaned... no one breathed. It seemed as if the two dragons had simply killed themselves in the impact. Yet soon heavy panting can be heard with an additional groan as the victor comes slowly limping out of the dust. The mighty [b]Smaug[/b], chiefest of calamities, reveals himself as he slowly limps out of the dust. His side had been deeply penetrated by Beyza's massive horn, creating a big and nasty wound. Thankfully, his armor managed to save most of the impact, allowing the horn to loose a good amount of momentum. If it wernt for his armor, the horn would've come out from the other side, killing him. Yet surprisingly, his organs were in good condition, just barely missing his stomach and intestines by a dangerous few inches. He was indeed lucky to be alive, but the pain was excruciatingly great. He falls to the ground, panting hard, as he tries to rest his wound. This battle almost took his life, yet it wasn't his first... but it will certainly not his last.