After the slaying of Alduin, our beloved Dragonborn became a legend, inspiring to all. As the years passed, The province of Skyrim remained in peace. The war between the Imperials and the Storms cloaks ended with an alliance treaty and each hold was ruled separately by the Jarls of the cities. No one knows of what came of the Dragonborn, but each of the cities built a statue of a knight beheading Alduin as a shrine for him/her. As peace continued in Skyrim, The Daedric princes and lords became angered, for people stopped worshiping them. Then gates opened allowing demons and creatures to spill freely, thus ending tranquility in Skyrim. The Oblivion crisis all over again. *Rules" 1. Please stick with the original Elder Scrolls races 2: Age has to be between 18 and 50 (Excluding Vampires or the undead) 3. No God-modding and no shouts 4: You only get one birth sign. Please use the original Elder Scrolls birth signs 5 Use your powers correctly, If you know you have a power you can use once per day, then you can only use it once. (You're powers are determined by your race and birthsign) 6: No killing other character's unless given permission by the player. 7: You can join a guild at any time, just be sure to pm me or any co-gms before you do. 8: Keep romance at pg-13 9. Each player has up to five spells (Excluding Flame and Healing since they are naturally given to you) 10. Be realistic if your bitten by a werewolf or vampire, you become one. If you're injured, you remain hurt until healed by potions or spells. 11. Enchantments are allowed, only one enchantment per weapon. A player can holds up to three weapons (dual wielding counts as one weapon) Enchanted weapons are allowed to have names (Just describe what type of weapon it is and the enchantment) 12. Have fun CS: Name: Age: Gender: Race: Appearence (Pic or description): From (Any city in Skyrim or any land surrounding Skyrim ex. Cyordiil): Birthsign: Guild (optional): Light weapon/s (Daggers, short-swords, war axes): Medium weapon/s ( Staffs, Bows, and crossbows): Heavy weapons/s (Longswords/greatswords, war hammers, and battle-axes): Bio (Optional): Personality: Sexuality: Other: * Skyrim population - Adventurers *Argon (MafiaM16) * Galron Shanara (MafiaM16) * Thomas Davidson (User) * Galron Shanara (Elvenoff) - The Companions - The Dark Brotherhood * Danon Stiorard (arwone97) * Raven (xXSINXx) - The Silver Hand * Odin Fenrir (MafiaM16) - The Thief's guild * Celaena (The Slenderman) * T'ophill (Polaris North) - Winterhold Collage Students *Daedra (In need) * Molag Bal (MafiaM16) *Hermeaus Mora (MafiaM16) *Nocturnal (xXSINXx)