"Why are we even here?" Gen mumbled with some mild annoyance in his voice. "We'll be facing just little kids." The tall earthbender shook his head as he paced back and forth around the room the Legendary Lion-turtles were occupying. He flicked the reddish lock of hair away from his eyes and fiddled around with the silver hairpin. Shin let out a little chuckle as he took a sip of tea and stared out from a window to the street below. His smile hadn't lost any of it's charm or warmth over the years. "Oh come on Gen, we were just kids when we started. You remember how we were underestimated at first, hmm?" He glanced towards Gen and gestured with his teacup "We can't go underestimating anyone - so..." "We'll just fight like every match is against the toughest enemy we have had thus far. Kiddie gloves are off from the get go." Liang cut in from the sofa she was reclining on. The sofa was situated on a corner and it was the largest piece of furniture in the room. "We have a week to get our act together again so we'd better start training first thing tomorrow." She rubbed her left shoulder and shook her head a bit. "My neck is killing me again..." Shin finished his tea calmly, placed the cup on a table and made his way to the sofa. He rather impolitely shoved Liang to the floor and sat behind her. Liang let out a surprised little squeak and was about to say something rather impolite when the waterbender began gently massaging her neck. "How have you survived without us looking after you?" He asked with that annoyingly polite voice of his. Liang closed her eyes and let out a sigh - with her best attempt at seeming like she was really annoyed. "I've survived just fine, thank you very much... Oh, just a bit to the right, please." Gen glanced at his teammates and didn't even try to hide his smile. Eight years had been such a long time and they hadn't seen each other enough to his liking. Something just reminded so much of the old times... He wiped the side of his eye and grinned. "Once you are done with the captain how about you fix my back while you are at it?" Shin shrugged his shoulders and smirked "We'll see about that, this'll take a while." Liang giggled and glanced at the ceiling - she got a little nudge to the back of her head from Shin "Oi, no moving when I'm working li'll miss." The firebender pouted and lowered her arm to her lap. "F-fine..."