[h2]Scolopendra[/h2] [i][b]" All we ask is that you would support us here in the north. As you most likely know the Frozen Wastes to the north of you are corrupted. Though we have wings up there, we would be honored if you ally yourself with us."[/b][/i] This was a matter for Scol to ponder. Alliance as such always had its advantages, but on the other hand, the benefits of such a thing were selective. There was the issue of the frozen northern plains, yet neither the black serpent nor its cultists had ever suffered any damage from that direction. Allying with the counsel could unnecessarily paint a target on the hydra. Furthermore, Scolopendras interest in these lands was not quite as definite as Graguth or its followers thought. Expedient rather than a beloved home, and it was not exactly a mighty kingdom either. However, expressing open opposition to the counsel was not any better, now with their knowledge over Scols necromancy and the nature of its limited talent even more so. In fact, taking that into account Graguths words had the sour overtone of a threat. "[i][b]VERY. WELL.[/b][/i]" the voice resounded after a while of all six heads staring intently at the dragon. "[i][b]WHEN. THE. DAY. COMES. YOUR. SUMMONS. WILL. NOT. GO. UNANSWERED.[/b][/i]" The heads observed every aspect of Graguths reaction closely. The creature still didn't trust the intruder, and while its expression of approval was in no way dishonest, it still considered alternative approaches than helping the counsel, should the time of action come. It all depended on the current progress of its primary plan. And if all else failed, Scolopendra would simply return into its exile at the bottom of the middle sea to wait for its name to be forgotten once more.