[hider=Steven Tall] [b]Name:[/b] Steven Tall [b]Nationality:[/b] American [b]Appearance:[/b] Original appearance - Stands at 5'7 and an average build with white skin. Has short black hair as well as black eyes. Appearance after getting powers - Looks just like Alex Mercer [b]Personality:[/b] Steven has a quiet but friendly personality, always speaking politely to strangers. He always opens up (only about certain things) to others and willing to help out but somehow, the bonds that should be forming does not. At least not to Steven because he has a low opinion of himself and constantly tells himself that no one actually wants to be friends with him. He will also joke if given the opportunity and likes humoring people. [b]Likes:[/b] Anime, humor, games, buffets [b]Dislikes:[/b] Vegetables, jumpscares, Hollywood [b]Bio:[/b] Steven lead a particularly normal and average life. He went to school, he played video games, he watched TV. However, he was always distant from people and despite his polite and outgoing personality, never achieved any real friends for whom to share his secrets, hobbies and likes with. But even with the loneliness, Steven is still a happy person, partly because he has resigned his life to being a loner. Will an extraordinary event change his outlook in life or does his current personality be impervious to the wheels of fate? [b]Chosen Abilities:[/b] I'll choose only one ability and that's... [i]Power of DX-1118[/i] also known as [i]Alex Mercer's powers[/i] Tell me if that's too OP. [b]Trivia:[/b] >As you can guess, this is Alex Mercer with a different name and attitude (sort of). [/hider]