Name: T'ophil Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Khajit Appearence (No anime): He has brownish fur that lights to an orange when it comes to his middrift. He has black lines from his face to the back of his head. He has scars littered all over his body and he usually wears light armor or the Thieves' Guild armor. From (Any city in Skyrim or any land surrounding Skyrim ex. Cyordiil): Elswyr Birthsign: The Shadow Guild (optional): Thieves' Guild Light weapon/s (Daggers, short-swords, war axes): Two short swords with a fire enhancement. Medium weapon/s ( Staffs, Bows, and crossbows): Bows with various kinds of arrows Heavy weapons/s (Longswords/greatswords, war hammers, and battle-axes): N/A Bio (Optional): All that you need to know is that he came from Elswyr and traveled to Skyrim thanks to a caravan. He got into stealing stuff and got into the Thieves' Guild no problem. Personality: He's full of trickery and his whole life is made by lies. He wears many masks, not having a problem in switching between them in a quick pace. He wears a mask that would fit the predicament that he is in. He can be surprisingly kind to anyone he deems trustworthy, which aren't a lot. Sexuality: Straight Other: He knows how to use the Invisibility spell, Calm, Conjure swords and bow.