Oh, we are getting a drawing? :D Even though I already gave some images, I'd still want to see both of my characters drawn by LeeRoy :D I think I'd like Takako to have a pose kind of like this: [hider=Le Pose] [IMG]http://blog-imgs-60.fc2.com/k/u/d/kudamonobatake2013/20131012233757f59s.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Of course, with a katana instead of the spear. If it too little of a reference, then I leave it up to the artist, as long as she has her katana with her xD And for the Stand, it is kind of like a Kirlia so: [hider=Le Stand Pose] [IMG]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/234/e/f/michael__my_kirlia_by_thebigchillqueen-d6jbbar.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Like this would be perfect. :D Looking forward to it! :D