[h2][center][color=springgreen]Edolas[/color][/center][/h2] [center][url=http://tektek.org/av/1840550][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img540/2584/ZkROIV.png[/img][/url] [b][i]Edo-Karn Interacting: Edo-Jamie, Edo-Angelica[/i][/b][/center] Minorly rolling their eyes playfully at the Guild Masters words as it seemed Edo-Jamie enjoyed the display, their emerald gaze watched the incoming darts and was about to dodge them with ease before their body briefly freezed and twisted a little foreword, their expression slightly twisting in pain while a almost unbearable pain twisted against their chest. Despite this, the blonde was determined not to show it. Still, evading was out so instead they had to quickly raise the whip and spin it rapidly in a fast circle in front of them as the darts were aimed at them. Most were deflected, but quite a few managed to rip more of their clothing. Brown jacket now in tatters, Edo-Karn huffed a little before zipping down the piece of cloth and tossed it to the side. Revealing their torn up body, a rarely seen thing even to Guildmates. Almost every inch of their upper body was covered in various scars. Be it burns, blades, whips, there was several and there was barely any untouched skin. Strange metal wiring seemed to cling to the flesh, looking a bit like a outward skeleton. Shaping what bones with wires. The most noteworthy part, was the chest. It was flat, fully covered in metal that sunk into the flesh. The left side holding a red lightly flashing sphere. Cracking their gloved knuckles, Edo-Karn looked to the false queen with a firm expression. [color=springgreen]"....I liked that jacket."[/color] they said before leaping up, throwing a couple of explosives then tossing several knives though when they neared the ends opened to reveal large electrified nets that shot out above the false queen.