Name: Galron Shanara Age: 25 Gender: male Race: human/Imperial Appearance: [img] [/img] From: CyrodiIl Birthsign: The Shadow Guild: none Bio: My name is Galron Shanara. I was born in a small village just east of the imperial city Cyrodiil on the 10th of suns height in the year176 4th era. My parents came from Skyrim to pursue a life for themselves. My father Hatius was an imperial who moved to Skyrim in his youth to be a black Smith's apprentice under a master Smith named Meros Stone-hammer my father fell for the daughter of Meros, my mother. My mothers father didn't approve of their love because he wanted to keep his family pure with only nord blood. So my mother and father fled in the middle of the night for Cyrodiil. My father used his skills as blacksmith to raise enough gold to buy a small house for the two of them. When I was born my father and mother had a good reputation for being master Smiths when it came to forming steel. When I was 8 my mother told my father that she felt guilty for leaving her family in such a way so she decided to return to Solitude to settle things with her family. The days turned to weeks and the weeks turned to months. My father grew very concerned and sent a letter to her family but received no response. My father figured my mother would return when she was sure things were alright with her family. After a few years my father grew colder and colder towards my mother. He said that she had abandoned us. To pass the time as a child I would play with the daggers my father had forged, but as time passed the daggers became swords and play became practice. My father told me that to understand a blade I must know how to create one I spent many weeks trying to forge the perfect sword. My father was impressed with my dedication. After finally forging a perfect steel sword I resumed my practice. At the age of 25 my father's shop was raided by a group of bandits, my father was slain in cold blood, left with nothing I decided to head to Skyrim to find my mother and confront her. On my way I was attacked by group of nord soldiers and taken prisoner they thought I was an imperial spy. A few days after my capture their leader Ulfric stormcloak decided to release me. After my release I asked to follow them because I didn't know the land of Skyrim so I planned to use them as much as possible for my own benefit and for the imperial empire, and to my surprise they agreed. Only a few short hours later we were attacked by the imperial legion, I was unarmed and defenseless I tried pleading that the nord soldiers were decent people but I was hit across the head with an iron shield and rendered unconscious. I awoke days later on a carriage, my hands bound my spirit broken. Headed for a place called Helgen. where I faced execution and survived because a dragon attacked as my head was on the chopping block Weapons: The Dwarven black bow of Fate - 200 Dwarven arrows, Dwarven longsword of Leeching, Dwarven war axe of Evoking Personality: Quiet, kind, and conscientious. Can be depended on to follow through. Usually puts the needs of others above their own needs. Stable and practical, they value security and traditions. Well-developed sense of space and function. Rich inner world of observations about people. Extremely perceptive of other's feelings. Interested in serving others. Sexuality: Straight Other: Working on becoming a high end smithy.