The story didn't make the top news that day, but for those who knew about it, it felt like an unavoidable disheartening situation. Jack Power, third youngest of the Power family, was reported missing one night after last being seen leaving the house around 11 pm. Where he went, and who he last spoke too not being known. Police have found themselves in a complete stump as too any leads on the case. Those who know about Jack Power, and his siblings well enough, know that this story has more to it than the news, police, and even Jack's parents have said. A while back Jack Power was a part of the superhero group The Power Pack. Formed with his brother and sisters, they fought crime and criminals alike using powers given to them by an alien race. Two people who know this are Franklin and Valeria Richards. Franklin most of all, after all, for a period of time he was a part of the group. But still being close friends with all of the Power kids, Franklin and Valeria started snooping into the situation themselves. Slowly things began to show up to them. Jack the night he vanished was planning on meeting a girl his age with the name 'Alraune'. A superhero supposedly who had the power to sap power from plants of the Earth. However, things began to become strange once Franklin and Valeria started looking into Alraune. Not only was there nothing on the mysterious superhero. No one older than 18 even knew her existence, like she was just the punchline of some joke between all the young heroes in the world. Valeria sensed something much deeper was at play, with her knowledge of the mystical arts. Leading to Franklin and Valeria to decide that maybe this calls for something more than just the both of them and the resources of their parents Fantastic Four empire. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Captain America and Iron Man never really seemed like the type of people who can let something get under their skin so deep. However two words seem to be doing a perfect job of it. Young Avengers. A group of young superheroes, formed over their dreams and glimmering eyes to the older superheroes of the world. They've become something that Captain America and Iron Man have tried to stop with little to no success. The group were never given any right to use the name they helped forge. They saw it as kids going too far playing pretend, and potentially getting themselves, or worse, others hurt. Still, a group of young superheroes might have their uses after all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Roster: Billy Kaplan – Wiccan (Drewvonawesome) Tommy Shepherd – Speed (Auntie Phaz) Riley Samuel Jacobs - Enigma (Justice200) Teddy Altman - Hulkling (Justice200) Cassie Lang - Stature (ErsatzEmperor) Quentin Quire - Kid Omega (Natty) Peter Parker - Spider-Man (Sep) Barbara Norris - Valkyrie (Matparker1711) Franklin Richards – Fantastic Lad (Drewvonawesome) Valeria Richards – Doom (Auntie Phaz)