Bozidar was caught a little of guard by the "paladin" himself. Though spot wasn't a trained cleric skill, his wisdom bonus of balanced that. Though he noticed the lack of any sword but, he didn't have ranks in knowledge (nobility and royalty) so he assumed that it was some weird custom or whatever. "Well... if your interested by all means your very welcome to join us Sir. Toshiro, we need someone other than me for frontline combat anyways!" Bozidar turned back to Cyanak, "Finally! Do you have any idea how many people have addressed me as miss or m'lady since I arrived? I'm glad someone finally sees that I am, in fact, a man. Regardless, your both obviously hired, if you wish to join me that is. As for quest specifics, a powerful magical artifact was recently stolen from the druid grove where I was raised and trained as a cleric. The thief was very powerful, and managed to steal the artifact before any of our higher level druids could even get involved. We need to find out where the artifact is, who took it, and then we need to get it back... unfortunately I don't have a tracker and unless one of you has cross class ranks in survival AND the track feat we need to find the culprit a different way..." Bozidar sighed at what That way was. "So, you two still interested? "