Sayuri laughs, [color=990000]"I don't have any expectations. I only have a few hopes. I [i]hope[/i] the teachers here are as good as they say and I [i]hope[/i] there are at least a couple of students here that can give me a good challange. Hope for the best and expect nothing,"[/color] she looks around when she feels a couple pairs of eyes on her. She frowns but shrugs it off, [color=990000]"Though I [i]do[/i] espect tomorrow to be interesting. Initiation day hope it's exciting."[/color] ---------------- Varg looks up as the announcement goes off. He decided to wait by the exit so get off quickly. On his way he moderately kicked a sleeping kid in a corner. to wake him up. On the way he notices a couple of girls talking in hushed voices. One caought his eye. Despite her normal looking clothes her wealth was obvious to him. The clothes were made of higher grade materials. She also had a certain air about her that few would actually notice. He was surprised however by the fact she wasn't talking to other wealthy students, [color=666666][i]'Hmm... I wonder why someone with money like that is talking to someone middle classed. Kinda makes me a little suspicious...'[/i][/color]